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Originated from France, Leonard Montres has been sought after by modern women for its glamorous styles and attractive colours since the brand’s establishment in 2001 in Switzerland. Developing towards a new milestone, Leonard Montres has completely reformed the watch design, image and style of the brand in 2018. Combining the elements of French vogue and art, collections of new watches for men and women are launched to take the brand to the Asian market through a spirit to innovate.

品牌故事 Brand Story

源自法國的利安萊《Leonard Montres》,2001年踏足鐘錶界,於瑞士成立腕錶品牌,憑著華麗風格與悅目色彩,贏得現代女性的追捧。 2018年,利安萊邁向全新的里程。品牌在腕錶設計、形象和風格方面徹底革新... Originated from France, Leonard Montres has been sought after by modern women for its glamorous styles and attractive colours since the brand’s establishment in 2001 in Switzerland.
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創作理念 Creative concept

法國的生活文化,離不開創意與藝術,利安萊的創作以體現法式生活藝術為本,藉著藝術為基礎,以不同色彩之美學為靈魂,把藝術與造表的工藝融為一體,同時又能迎合時尚生活追求者的獨特品味和要求。 The French way of living and the French culture are inseparable from creativity and art. The creations of Leonard Montres is based on a manifestation of the French art of living, riding on the foundation of art to incorporate the soul of aesthetics through different colours.
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